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My Job:

I help students figure out what they want to do in life (pretty ironic when I still have no idea what I want to do in life besides travel and make cakes).

Give class room presentations on subjects such as resume writing, interview skills, and job hunting (I love being able to help the students, if only I had listened more when I was a student)

Administer personality tests and interest inventory tests (basically they help students figure out who they are, how they function, and what careers would fit them).

So after doing my own personality tests and interest inventory I have come to these conclusions:

1. Stop and smell the roses
Me= Run faster so I can smell ALL the roses possible

2. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get
Me= I am going to eat every chocolate so I make sure I get everything

3. Take one step at a time
Me= Why one step, it you take two at a time you'll get done twice as fast

4. Find things your interested in a make a career out of them
Me= traveling, baking, outdoors (beach and snow), crafts, and helping people = baking in the mountains and on the beach all over the world, while making crafts and helping people. Yeah, dont know how this is going to work out???

5. A career is a great accomplishment and should be sought after
Me= why work, traveling is so much more fun


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