
The "White Glove"

Yuck, Yuck, and Yuck! How the heck does one little one bedroom apartment get so stinkin dirty? This weekend we had our infamous "white Glove" inspections. Mike and I woke up killer early and cleaned for four straight hours. (talk about a workout) We scrubbed, we wiped, we cleaned every crack and crevice in the house, we cleaned under the fridge and oven (super Yuckness), seriously we cleaned everything.

At eleven our inspector dude came. He seriously walked in, took a quick look around, didn't open or move anything, said good job, gave us a candy bar, and then left. Mike and I were like "what the heck did we clean for?" We seriously laughed so hard cause if we would have know that that's all he was going to do then we would have slept in and enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning. Well I guess the good think is that our apartment is sparkling clean :) Oh and i am sure that if we would have had a female inspector person then the white gloves would have come out. Gotta love mens' sense of "cleaning inspections" lol

Yucky disgusting rag!


  1. Hey Nichole, it's Alicia! Add me to your blog list. I love your new blog! I hope you guys are having such a blast in Hawaii! Love ya!

  2. haha seriously we thought the same! two nights of that for five seconds. haha.


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