
Manco Family Reunion 2010

Matt, Jord, Justin, Ez, Me, & Mike getting ready for the drive to Schofield

This is our campsite from up on the hill. Unfortunately, there was a farmer herding his sheep along this hill. For two days all we could hear was "Bah, Bah, Bah" darn sheep!!!

Matt being manly and breaking logs for the fire, I love his smile in this pic, he seems so impressed with himself.

Justin, me and Mike chillen around the fire (my favorite part about camping).

The Manco family kids (minus Dan, we missed you)

My momma and I, she is the coolest mom ever!

A beautiful wild orchid that Mike photographed

5 hours fishing in the middle of the day ='s no fish!

Utah you are so beautiful!

Ok, here is a little story-
We brought our guns up camping with us cause we like to shoot things but somebody (Justin) didn't buy enough bullets for the BB gun. So my brothers and Mike resulted to the cave man hunting style. There were hundreds of these little squirrel/chipmunk things all around Scholfield and our camp and it was there goal to kill them. It was hilarious watching all these men walking around with spears (which they made) and rocks trying to kill these little guys. Every time they would launch there attach you would hear my moms high pitch voice in terror "stop hurting those little guys".

Seriously look at all there postures, this is a Kodak moment!

In the end they did get one, but it was tagged by the BB not there caveman style.

Mom and Jord

All in all, it was an awesome trip with tons of memories.


  1. I love family reunions and your brothers hair... not so much dead animals, but I'll just log that away :)

  2. Oh Oh and I got some awesome pics of a lady bug too that landed on my finger!!

  3. This is so well done!! I sure love you!


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