
A Little Self Experiment

Warning: this is not scientific, it was tested on one person, may cause extreme happiness, cure pre-existing problems, and make everything look a little brighter

Hypothesis: If I listen to EFY/church music in the morning while getting ready for the day then I am happier throughout the day.

#1. 1 Week of getting up and doing my morning routine with no music, then rate my mood.
#2. 1 Week of getting up and listening to EFY music in the morning while doing my routine, then rate my mood.

#1. Mood for the week was average, no noticeable difference.
#2. Mood for the week with music was significantly higher. Overall I was; more smiley, positive, easy going, and

Listening to EFY/church music in the mornings increases happiness :)

Seriously I did this for a week and I am a firm believer in the power of music and the spirit. During the week that I listened to music in the mornings my days went better, I enjoyed my job more, I had more patience, I was happier etc..... When you start the day with feeling the spirit and listening to something positive and up beat it makes a HUGE difference.

My FAVORITE EFY song ever, listen to the words, they ROCK!!!


  1. I completely agree! Music is a strong indicator of your mood, happiness, behavor etc. That is why, too, it is so important to choose good music. ;) You are amazing cole!

  2. But what about the placebo effect? Were you EXPECTING to be happier and so were more happy? You used the scientific method so I had to throw that in. :P


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