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My obsession continues.......I love Cupcakes!

Here are some of my latest creations

Classic American Favorite!
We go to Sam's and buy those big boxes of Oreo's, you know the ones that come with like 12 packs inside? Unfortunately Oreo's are a love in our house. I have to safeguard them else I'll find my husband with a glass of milk and crumbs on his face and no Oreo's left (trust me this has happened more than once lol).

I seriously have this new obsession with Dulce de leche a.k.a caramel! I spent 4 1/2 hours last night making a fresh batch to use for a baby shower I am throwing this Saturday. I love it, any excuse to make it and I will!

Chocolate Sundae!
My husband doesn't particularly like this picture, he doesn't like how the chocolate is swirled around the frosting. I don't know why but something about it is soothing to me.

For all you who love ice-cream dipped in the chocolate shell this will rock your socks off! Vanilla cake topped with vanilla frosting and dunked in ganache chocolate :)

I love coconut! This is my favorite little snow ball cupcake.

**Ok, I probably say "I Love..." way to much but when it comes to cupcakes and cake it's true!

1 comment:

  1. I need to live near you! Actually my waistline would suffer, but my tastebuds would love you!!!


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